Item List
Genetic Memory
What do we carry down from our ancestors?
Original family archive portraits with Physarium Polycephalum
interference. Photos and vídeos taken during the process.
Capoeira - Alma Brasileira
Brazilian Soul
This project on capoeira transcends mere visual representation. Through almost abstract black and white images, I seek to capture the fluid and energetic essence of this Afro-Brazilian martial art. Each photo is a dance between light and shadow, shapes and movements, inviting the viewer to immerse themselves in a universe of physical and cultural expression. In the simplicity of black and white lies the complexity of capoeira, a visual synthesis that echoes ancestral rhythms and historical resistance.
Changes (Mudanças)
Roberta Stamato & Betsy Montero
Ecosex Reverso
E se a "natureza" tomasse um papel ativo nessa relação?
Esse é um projeto sobre ecossexualidade.
Ecossexualidade é uma orientação sexual onde se tem atração pela natureza. Ecosexuais sentem uma profunda conexão e amor pela Terra, considerando-a uma parceira íntima, onde a natureza é sagrada e merece ser respeitada, honrada e cuidada. Para os ecosexuais, o prazer e a intimidade estão relacionados ao envolvimento ativo e consciente com o meio ambiente.
Quando eu estava pesquisando sobre o tema, muitas vezes me perguntei se a natureza talvez se sentisse abusada e então decidi ajuda-la a ter um papel ativo nessa relação. Semeei algumas plantas sobre as fotos para dar a chance da natureza fazer sexo com as imagens que foram tiradas de filmes eróticos e de cartões postais eróticos antigos.
O trabalho mostra a transformação das imagens no decorrer do tempo, mostrando o nascimento, esplendor e morte, deixando marcas como todo relacionamento.
What if “nature” has an active role in this relationship?
This is a project about ecosexuality.
Ecosexuality is a sexual orientation in which one is attracted to nature. Ecosexuals feel a deep connection and love for the Earth, considering it an intimate partner, where nature is sacred and deserves to be respected, honoured and cared for. For ecosexuals, pleasure and intimacy are related to active and conscious involvement with the environment.
When I was researching the topic, I often wondered if nature might feel abused, so I decided to help it take an active role in this relationship. I planted some plants over the photos to give nature a chance to have sex with the images, which were taken from erotic films and old erotic postcards.
The work shows the transformation of the images over time, showing birth, splendour and death, leaving marks like every relationship.
Obsessão Brasileira - Last Game
Brazilian Obssession
Last Game - Game Over
Every Brazilian has this collective obsession: World Cup Games.The person may not even like football but on game day of the World Cup is a holiday, there is partying, cold beer, gathering of friends and almost no one works or studies, at least during the game.
This videophoto was made in the last game of Brazil in the World Cup in Qatar, Brazil was eliminated, lost on penalties, game over.